I know this is about 8 months late, but I wanted to get it all written out before I forget any little detail...if that's even possible. So, here it is....
On May 28th, 2011 I decided to go to the Orange County swap meet with my mom. I figured the walking around could do me some good. I was HUGE and uncomfortable, so really I'd try anything at that point. I was only 38 weeks, but I couldn't imagine two more weeks of being pregnant. Since about 37 weeks I had a gut feeling I wasn't going to make it to 40 weeks. This was probably the beginning of my mother's intuition!
After our long walk at the swap meet I went home to rest before Chase got off work and we had a birthday party to go to. I took a little nap and when I woke up I started to get ready. I showered and started doing my hair and makeup... This is when I started to feel a little weird. I had this strange feeling in my lower abdomen. It wasn't pain, but definitely not normal. I just assumed it was the baby moving around, so I kept getting ready. At one point it got so uncomfortable and I had an unstoppable urge to squat down. I called Chase and told him I felt funny, but that it was most likely just some practice contractions. Well, these "practice contractions" were getting more painful and harder to ignore. I got on the trusty exercise ball and began doing all the moves I learned to ease the discomfort of pregnancy and labor. Chase walked in from work to see me on all fours swaying back and forth. What can I say, it really does help!!! I was all done up to go to the party, but Chase suggested maybe we shouldn't go. I was all ready...we were going to the party! Plus, I was convinced I wasn't in real labor.
We arrived at the party and I had some trouble just walking in. The contractions were getting stronger and closer together, but I still wasn't SURE it was labor. It got to the point where I had to lean on Chase every few minutes just to get through it, so we decided to call the hospital and see what they said. The nurse told me that it could be labor but since it was my first baby I didn't need to rush to the hospital because it would probably take awhile. Chase and I walked...slowly... Around the building where the party was before I decided it was hospital time!
There is one word to describe the ride to the hospital...silence. Well, on my part at least. I didn't say a word and my eyes were closed the entire way. I was so focused!
Once we go to the hospital the hooked me up to see how consistent my contractions were and then they checked to see how dilated I was. Contractions were intense at this point and I was 5 centimeters dilated. They admitted me and sent me up to labor and delivery. Wow! Was I really going to have this baby?! To be honest I didn't have time to be nervous or scared because I was so focused on getting through each contraction. I maybe said a handful of words the whole time I was in labor and I barely opened my eyes. I was seriously in the zone! About two hours passed by and I kept asking "when are they going to check me again?" they weren't going to check until my water broke, which se said could be HOURS away!!! Could I make it a few more hours? Going into it I didn't want any pain meds or epidural, buy could I do it without? I began to consider it. The midwife told me to think about it and let them know...right then I said a prayer and no joke, instantly my water broke! Water seemed to go everywhere and the midwife was right back in to check me. I was 9.5cm!!!! This was it!
I pushed for what seemed like forever, but was really only about 15 minutes. I remember saying "I can't do it!" and the midwife said "you're doing it, open your eyes, look!" I opened my eyes to see my baby boys amazing face! She held him up and aces him on my chest. I have never been happier in my life! All the pain instantly went away and all I cared about was my baby! He was perfect! Chase and I cried as we held our baby for the first time. I was truly blessed with an incredible family!!!
Aiden Chase Christensen was born on May, 29th 2011 at 1:43 am. He was 19.5 inches and weighed 6 pounds 9 ounces.
Despite the pain of natural child birth, it was the most incredible, rewarding experience of my life!!